All posts filed under: Beauty

The Washroom Essentials. 🛀

Did you know that your skin is the biggest organ in your body? Below I have listed a list of products I have been using for ages now and def recommend! It’s important to know what goes into you body. Every purchases count. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it! 🤷‍♀️ That’s been my motto for years now. When it comes to beauty products, I take some extra time to research the ingredients and triple make sure there’s nothing wrong, or weirdly sounding. I’d love to hear your favs washroom essentials! Avalon’s Organic Tea Tree Oil Conditioner — I have been using this conditioner for a couple of years now, and it’s the only one my hair loves. Here’s a secret: I rarely use shampoo and run straight for conditioner. I love the tea tree oil in this conditioner, it is strong and does the work well. I like to apply it first thing in the shower, wash-up, and then rinse. It is the perfect detangler for my untamed curls! Herb’n Eden Activated Charcoal …